La investigación preliminar

A Preliminary Investigation aims to identify environmental conditions and use of this tense associated with the area analyzed and neighboring properties that may represent potential environmental liabilities for the environment in which they operate. This research has proven crucial in establishing the initial conceptual model of a possible sequence of investigations and the evaluation of the potential for contamination of soil and groundwater.

The result of this study delimits plan of areas with different levels of contamination risk, given the different types of processes or commercial and / or industrial activities have developed over time in the property in question, as well as due of any incidents involving improper disposal and storage of raw materials, finished products or waste, recorded throughout the period of use of the area .

A preliminary investigation using the methodologies contained in ABNT NBR 15515-1 2007: Environmental Liabilities in soil and groundwater. Part 1: Preliminary evaluation and proposed Environmental Agency of São Paulo, CTESB in his Manual of Contaminated Sites Management, at 103 -2007- EC Decision of Board of 22/06/2007, published in the DOE on 27/06/2007.

In the case of retail stations and fuel systems, it is not required prior to the Preliminary Investigation and Confirmatory CETESB document establishing the necessary studies for these projects in the state of São Paulo is the decision of the Board No. 010/2006/C: Procedure for Identification of Environmental Liabilities facilities with underground storage Fuel System.

For commercial transactions of potentially contaminated sites , environmental audits due diligence type apply the methodologies proposed by the American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM ) standards in their 1527-05 and 1528-06 , or , Guide to the Evaluation of Potential contamination in Real Estate ( Cetesb ) .

Among the studies conducted in the field and office, we mention:

  • Property Description;
  • Characterization of current activity;
  • Characterization of its historic use and occupation of the property;
  • Geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological characterization;
  • Technical evaluation of the area of interest, as the potential for contamination of soil, groundwater and eventually own local buildings.